New Testament - New Revised Standard Version - American Bible Society
New Testament - New Revised Standard Version - American Bible Society
Condition: Used - Excellent
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Distinctive Features of this edition of the New Revised Standard Version: Traditional Scripture Text: A traditional translation of ancient Greek Text into modern language.
Maps: Handy reference maps of the world of the New Testament.
What's in the New Testament: A brief summary of every book in the New Testament and a handy chart that provides an overview of all the books that make up the Bible.
How to read the New Testament: Simple suggestions on how to read the New Testament devotionally and keep notes.
Read through the New Testament: Easy-to-follow reading plan.
Famous passages of the New Testament: A guide to locating famous New Testament stories.
Finding help in the New Testament: A guide to scripture passages that can help when you may be facing a difficult problem or special challenge.
What the New Testament says about God's forgiveness: A guide to passages in the New Testament that speak of God's great love for you.